Course Description

I am so excited that you have made the decision to take your music making to the next level. You are joining a growing group of Digital Musicians who know that the quality of BandLab's music and technology platform makes it possible for anyone to discover the musician in them and follow a personalised path of creativity and self-expression.

BandLab's Award-winning Music Creation Tools

BandLab brings award-winning music creation features to the public enabling access to everything you'll need for collaborative and fun musical learning.

Nothing to patch or install – the cloud-based platform works on Mac, Windows, Linux and Chromebooks. It's safe and it's free!

Learning Through Doing

In this course, you will learn through doing. You will discover how to get started exploring the thousands of sampled loops and virtual instruments and how to best use them to create your own personal projects. The video tutorials will allow you to learn at your own pace. Just press play and pause and construct your structured song in exactly the way that suits you.

 Real-Time Collaboration

This is a new feature of BandLab and enables you to work with any of the 30 million BandLab users worldwide. This offers a really exciting way to connect and collaborate with like-minded musicians like you. That's what music has always been about!

Through the process of creating a structured song in any one of over 100 genres, you will learn:

  • The basic skills of how to use a DAW - Digital Audio Workstation
  • How to audition and find appropriate sounds for different elements of a song like the introduction, verse and chorus
  • How to write your own lyrics
  • How to audition and play virtual midi instruments and record your own melodies and solos
  • Tips and tricks you can use to add the final touches to a song making it sound cohesive and professional
  • How To Make Your Finished Track Sound Even Better through Mastering

This course will empower and motivate you to become a musician. It will give you the confidence in your innate ability to create in the medium that you know so well - technology. The results will astound you! And now there is an app that makes making music even easier. Whilst we focus on the desktop version in this course, it's still worth downloading as the two versions work seamlessly together. For example, with a touch screen phone or tablet, you can create the most amazing drum beats

I hope you gain value and satisfaction from this course and enjoy developing your songwriting craft for years to come.

Keep Making Music!

Phil Heeley: Founder & Director Inclusive Music

Founder - Inclusive Music & Senior Instructor Phil Heeley

Teacher, Trainer, Educator, Music Technologist, Musician & Visionary. “Inclusive Music” encapsulates Phil’s passion for enabling Access For All through Music Technology. Creator of the Best Selling “Dance eJay for Schools” and co-author of “GarageBand for Schools”, he encourages students to discover their own ways of learning and expressing themselves leading Ofsted to repeatedly recognise him as an “outstanding” teacher. SEND expert and Drake Music Associate Musician, Phil believes in the reality of participation no matter what the ability or disability. “We know we are offering quality musical moments for our students and staff when Phil leads the sessions. Totally reliable and professional – I recommend him without reservation.”Christine Wright, Teaching and Learning Music Adviser, South Gloucestershire Music Service

Course curriculum

    1. Summary - Basic Skills

    2. Video - Basic Skills - Part 1

    3. Quiz - Basic Skills - Part 1

    4. Video - Basic Skills - Part 1A

    5. Quiz - Basic Skills - Part 1A

    6. Video - Basic Skills - Part 1B

    7. Quiz - Basic Skills - Part 1B

    8. Video - Basic Skills - Part 1C

    9. Quiz - Basic Skills - Part 1C

    10. Video - Basic Skills - Part 1D

    11. Quiz - Basic Skills - Part 1D

    12. BandLab Basic Skills - Part 1E

    13. Quiz - Basic Skills - Part 1E

    1. Summary - The Introduction

    2. Demo Song Structure

    3. Video - Example: Introduction (0:00 - to 0:50 seconds)

    4. Video - The Introduction - Part 1

    5. Quiz - The Introduction - Part 1

    6. Video - The Introduction - Part 1A

    7. Quiz - The Introduction - Part 1A

    8. Video - The Introduction - Part 1B

    9. Quiz - The Introduction - Part 1B

    10. How to Write Song Lyrics (Wikipedia)

    1. Summary - Getting Organised

    2. Video - Getting Organised

    1. Summary - The Chorus

    2. Demo Song Structure

    3. Video - Example: Chorus (0:50 to 1:11)

    4. Video - The Chorus - Part 3 - First Attempt

    5. Quiz - The Chorus - Part 3 - First Attempt

    6. Video - The Chorus - Part 3A

    7. Video - The Chorus - Part 3B

    8. Quiz - The Chorus - Part 3B

    9. How to Write Song Lyrics (Wikipedia)

    1. Summary - The Break

    2. Demo Song Structure

    3. Video - Example: Break (1:11 to 1:22)

    4. Video - The Break - Part 4

    5. Video - The Break - Part 4A

    6. Quiz - The Break

    7. How to Write Song Lyrics (Wikipedia)

About this course

  • £97.00 / year with 7 day free trial
  • 113 lessons
  • 3 hours of video content


5 star rating

My Experience with BandLab for Beginners

Tom X

Tom Watts I enjoyed the course and I now feel that I have a good grasp of the BandLab essentials. The course was excellent, lucid, nicely paced and it ...

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Tom Watts I enjoyed the course and I now feel that I have a good grasp of the BandLab essentials. The course was excellent, lucid, nicely paced and it covered everything I wanted to know. The BandLab videos at the end were a bonus too. I would give the Course 5 stars and I would recommend it to anyone wanting to learn how to use BandLab.

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